When it comes to building a new home for buyers, builders understand that homeowners are making a big commitment and embarking on one of the most important life journeys they will ever make. Any builder worth their salt already knows that working alongside buyers during the new home construction—and/or purchasing—process poses a unique set of challenges. This entire process, although rewarding and high in demand at the moment—is multi-faceted and definitely not for the faint-hearted.

As builders seek to build a physical home that will wow home buyers, what if they could also simultaneously have a digital home being built—a place in the cloud, where all documentation of every step of the physical building process is being stored and sorted, seamlessly? You can, via DomiDocs. Read on to find out just what else DomiDocs can do for you.

Today’s current market reveals that a surprising number of millennials make up the percentage of prospective home buyers (34% of home buyers overall), among which 66% plan to purchase a new home within the next 5 years. Also noteworthy is that an overwhelming 41% of millennials desire a new home already built for sale offered by a builder.

Potential tech-savvy buyers are trending right now, with a significant number of these would-be owners seeking properties that are specifically outfitted with a healthy variety of smart-home options that make domestic life in 2020 much more convenient and efficient.

Included on the list for would-be homeowners? Having the entire home building and purchasing process be hassle-free, digital-friendly, with millennials’ in particular (a staggering 99% of them) preferring that this journey be completely manageable via means of an online digital platform.

And this is where these home buyers’ interests and needs perfectly align with home builders’ needs on this epic journey. Also aligning perfectly with supporting both parties in meeting these needs? Again, the answer is DomiDocs.

This revolutionary company and its user-friendly, digital platform enables builders to utilize the best of modern technology and pro-active tools, as well as DomiDocs unmatched customer support, to assist them in expertly—and effortlessly—navigating the new home building and purchasing transaction process.

For example, builders can enlist the help of DomiDocs in order to avoid high warranty claims and customer support expenses, and ensure maximum ROI thanks to its highly secured, cloud-based platform that will aid you in digitally transferring a new home to buyers.

DomiDocs also offers:

  • Reduced legal liability via providing homeowners with all documentation and best use instructions
    An online platform for your business to enjoy maximum exposure, thus driving referrals and continued traffic to your brand via on an ongoing relationship with the homeowner
  • Providing a shared platform, connecting the builder with the homeowner in numerous aspects, including access to preloaded calendar entries, preloaded service providers, a best-use guide, and even warranty tracking
  • A safe and secure way to effortlessly store and transfer all property documents and more
  • Provide online support for homeowners after the digital handoff, thus lowering costs to the builder and also elevating buyer satisfaction via continuous customer care. This particular benefit has proven invaluable to builders, as it allows DomiDocs to help you gain a competitive edge over competing homes for sale.

Food for thought using statistics that support this fact: 82% of homeowners admitted that they need more collaboration with their contractors in order to feel satisfied and happy in referring them for future jobs. DomiDocs can help make this happen, which is where homeowners’ happiness comes into play in this journey, too.

How? DomiDocs enables the homeowner to feel absolutely in the loop and informed every step of the process by placing the tools to manage and oversee everything literally in their hands, digitally,  of course.

We have all heard the adage, encouraging us all to “find joy in the journey,” and we here at DomiDocs, as homeowners seek to purchase the property of their dreams, and as builders strive to achieve the level of success and customer satisfaction that you perhaps only thought existed in your wildest imagination, DomiDocs is here to assure you, all of this and more is within your reach.

Written By: Andy Beth Miller