Residential Property Tax Analysis System
Find out if you are paying too much in property taxes
Property taxes are one of the top 3 largest homeowner expenses.
Of 142 million residential homes, an estimated 64 million of them are being over assessed
Take the first step with propRtax™ and learn if you are paying too much today!
Why you want to use propRtax
- Less than 5 percent of homeowners will challenge incorrect taxes
- Average annual property tax bill has risen 4.4 percent
- You suspect the assessed value of your home exceeds its true market value
- For many homeowners, taxes go up year over year
What is included
- Property tax analysis of your home
- Long term savings calculations
- Comparable homes list used for calculation in the report.
- Additional elements that accurately identify your assessed value.
- Instructions on how to contest your property taxes
- Glossary to make you a more informed tax payer
What to do with this report
- We provide an easy step by step process to contest your property taxes
- Review your assessment letter and compare the calculations to your report.
- If you think you need to challenge your home’s assessment, you generally have less than 30 days to do so.
- Go to your counties website and download the appeal form
- Prepare to go in front of an appeal board with steps outlined in your report
- Attend the hearing with calculations provided by propRtax and easily save!
Coming soon: Legal referral system
- DomiDocs will put you in front of an approved representative to contest your taxes for you.