Don’t let an outdated trend subtract value from your home’s overall worth. Remember that decorating trends are just that: trends. They certainly aren’t meant to be permanent fixtures in your home for years to come. While some decorating fixes may seem more like renovations, keeping your home up-to-date will ensure top dollar when you decide to sell. If you’ve got any of these outdated trends in your home, we’ve got the fixes.
Ceilings and Flooring:
- tile and granite countertops
- linoleum floors
- matching wallpaper and carpeting
- shag carpet
- terrazzo tiles
- textured ceilings: popcorn, wooden
- wall-to-wall carpeting
According to experts, busy granite countertops age a space by becoming a focal point that overpowers an entire room. Today’s better choices are quartz or classic marble. Lino can be replaced by inexpensive laminate flooring, which can be applied right over top. Matching carpeting and wallpaper can be updated with a fresh coat of paint after removal. And carpeting should be limited to bedrooms while living areas work best with hardwood flooring. If your home has one of those 1980s popcorn ceilings, it’s time to change it up. But, consider hiring a professional as it’s much more of an undertaking than it seems. Not sure who to call? DomiDocs’ user-friendly platform includes a detailed list of nationwide reputable contractors and service providers you can trust.
Colors & Decor:
- avocado green & harvest gold anything
- bold modern prints
- colored cabinets
- dusty pastel colors
- fake fruit
- ferns in every room
- futuristic accents
- giant silk plants
- glass blocks
- mason jars everywhere
- hot pink
- monograms
- nautical decor (unless you’re actually at the beach)
- plaid
- word/quote wall art
- zebra rugs
Some things are better left in the past. Nothing will outdate your home faster than an old-fashioned color scheme. Or words and quotes displayed as wall art – just no. If you’ve got any of these items listed, feel free to hold a garage sale.
Fabrics & Window Treatments:
- damask wallpaper/curtains
- heavy window treatments
- lace tablecloths and doilies
- matching window valances
- ruffle bed skirts
- silk bedding
- tufted headboards/heavy
- vertical blinds
No one wants to walk into a home that reminds them of their Grandma. We’re talking dark rooms with heavy curtains or unfashionable wallpaper, or heaven forbid furnishings covered with doilies and lace tablecloths. All are easily fixed by simply removing the object and storing them, if necessary.
- beanbag chairs
- built-in entertainment systems
- conversation pits
- curio cabinets
- futons
- oversized leather sofas
- pine furniture
- platform beds
- Tiffany lamps
- wicker furniture
The struggle is real. If you’ve got furniture that’s been passed down to you, this is the time to Marie Kondo it. If that huge china cabinet doesn’t spark joy when you look at it, get rid of it. Better yet – donate it. Many non-profit organizations will come to your house and remove any unwanted items for free, such as the Salvation Army, Goodwill, and Habitat for Humanity.
Kitchens & Appliances:
- granite
- tile countertops
- Tuscan kitchens
- white appliances
- wooden countertops
We’ve already heard from the experts as to busy granite overload that distracts from the entire room, while quartz and marble appear more timeless. The same goes for tile or wooden countertops that are out-of-style and difficult to thoroughly clean. Antiquated 1970s-style white appliances can be upgraded to energy-efficient black or stainless steel models, which adds value to your home. And while Tuscan kitchens were once the rage, you’ll need to tone it down a notch to pass today’s not so over-the-top standards; try repainting any dark ceiling beams or walls.
Wall Treatments:
- chevron wallpaper
- chintz fabric
- floral everything
- sponge walls
- wallpaper borders
- wood paneling
Remove any chintzy, spongy, woodsy, flowery, or chevrony decor and replace it with a neutral color scheme or a coat of paint.
Hardware & Fixtures:
- ceiling mirrors
- Edison bulbs
- frosted light fixtures
- gold hardware and fixtures
- Hollywood mirror lights
Oh, the horror. Cheesy ceiling and Hollywood-style mirrors have got to go. Gold hardware and fixtures date back to the 1970s, while Edison bulbs take your home back to the 2000s.
Trying to settle an argument as to when you bought that huge leather sectional? Keep track of all your home purchases with DomiDocs. Besides an established list of contractors, DomiDocs allows homeowners to create their own service provider directory where contact information, websites, emails, receipts, and even personal notes can easily be recorded and are accessible 24/7.
Author – Connie Motz