Back when our parents and grandparents were purchasing homes, every home purchase deal was centered around a long paper trail of documents and a firm handshake. But if there is anything that we have been faced with as an undeniable fact in 2020, it’s that just as the old adage says, “Times … they are a-changing.” DomiDocs realizes this, and wants to help. Home builders particularly navigate each new day, to accommodate the rise and fall of the changing tides in this niche industry.
Fast forward to today, and numerous factors are affecting how home buyers are browsing—and purchasing. As a home builder, you need to be staying up-to-date on the most current trends in the home buyer market as they constantly evolve, to make sure you are not left in the dust as time—and home sales—march on.
One main way that you can accomplish this is by going digital. The following article covers the many reasons why home builders should considering moving to automated customer care when dealing with their clients, particularly when it comes to being able to provide these clients with a digital handover. And the best part? With each step in the process, DomiDocs makes this transition effortless via its modern, state-of-the art technology and easy to use residential builder home page.
Smart Stuff
When it comes to their homes, more and more home owners are getting smart. This trend has nothing to do with the cult classic TV show, and everything to do with property technology. Known by those in the know as “Proptech,” upping the ante in property technology is all the rage right now, as home owners continue to “keep up with the Jones” by infusing more and more smart home gadgets into their abodes. Such gadgets include Google home and Alexa, both of which are wildly popular and in high demand. And not only are hardware products such as these are on the rise, but so is home owners’ desire — and demand— for increasingly modern digital solutions for their home. Under this umbrella includes communication between them and their home builder. Enter digital handovers.
Digital Handovers
In the age of social distancing and working from home, the fact that consumers are seeking digital solutions for their houses that align with their increasingly digitally mobile lifestyle should come as no surprise. So it’s important that home builders can provide owners with everything that used to involve a hefty paper trail at their fingertips, with no trail included, and at a simple click of a button. DomiDocs can help you make that happen, by providing you access to its specially designed software that can help homeowners, builders, inspectors, and developers create, transfer, and keep their documents all in one easily accessible space in the cloud.
In this way, DomiDocs allows home builders to say goodbye to the old days, when you have been forced to rely on a burdensome handover packs (remember the endless folders, USB sticks, or email attachments?) to get vital home documents to your client. Now, you can meet your tech-savvy home owners right where they live, with their mobile phones in hand, managing their properties and personal lives with swift, flying fingers amid a cloud high in the proverbial sky. An added bonus that cannot be stressed enough? This completely digital handover process also eliminates the potential pitfalls (like lost documents) that commonly plagued the old, paper-based process.
Digital Delivers Unmatched Customer Care
Another thing that digital handovers have proven to ensure is a dramatically increased level of customer satisfaction. From providing digital access to property specific information, such as official approvals, plans, warranties, and much more, digital handovers allow the home owner to feel much more connected — and in control— of the entire process. And according to DomiDocs’ research, an overwhelming 82% of homeowners reported the desire (and need) for greater communication and collaboration with their contractors during construction, and beyond. DomiDocs helps you meet that client need.
Never Lose Items Again
When it comes to home documents, the vital rule of thumb is DO NOT LOSE ANYTHING! Not only can losing documents during the building process place an enormous strain on you as a builder, but it can also stress out the builder, potentially damaging your work relationship and rendering non existent your hopeful new client referrals down the line.
Digital handovers can eliminate this danger via document tracking. It’s commons sense: Having your documents kept digitally will decrease the chance of losing them. Period. From approvals, plans, warranties, photos, policies, manuals (and copious amounts of other records pertaining to the property), DomiDocs helps you keep these documents safe and secure in one single (paperless) space online. This means no more searching for (or losing) physical copies, and no more keeping countless copies of older versions of documents when new updates have been made. It’s all automatic, kept safe in the cloud and ready for you when you need it.
The Neverending Story
The prime perk of digital handovers is that it provides the builder with yet another avenue to put a smile on their clients’ faces. Not only are you giving the home owner the house of their dreams, but long after the keys to the castle have been delivered, they can—and will— depend on their online, easy access to their property documents to help them maintain their abode long-term. After all, their new home story is just beginning, and by serving them in this way, you, DomiDocs, and digital technology are ensuring that story remains a fairytale.
Author: Andy Beth Miller