As a homeowner, it’s fun to decorate your house inside and out for any special occasion, don’t you think? And if you’ve got kids, Halloween decorating could be at the top of your list! If you’re looking for stylish and somewhat spooky decorating ideas, read on to discover our plethora of top Halloween decor ideas!
Halloween always seems to conjure up thoughts of late-night cemeteries and ghostly realms. You can evoke the dark side by using a Goth theme. Think black, and then black again. Decorations such as candles, paper plates, and napkins in black will come alive when paired with red roses for a more glam Goth look. Black bottles can be transformed into a creepy display by labeling them with macabre-sounding names like formaldehyde or recipes using eye of newt, you get the idea. And if you can’t find items in black, consider using matte black spray paint to magically transform skulls and other decor. You can also purchase skull glasses, ice cube trays, and more to make your Halloween party complete. Pick up some creepy candles from the dollar store and accompany them by a display of books wrapped in tea-stained parchment paper to give them an old spell book look. Grab some creepy old utensils, a painting, or a clouded mirror from a thrift store for an even more sinister effect.
Besides black, time-tested Halloween decor ideas always include a quirky Beetlejuice vibe by using a striking contrast of black and white. Think whimsical decorations like dragons, pillows, and dark wreaths accented with bright purple. Don’t forget the jail-like groom and tacky red bridal gown, even if they’re just displayed somewhere in the room, or maybe on a ghoulish mannequin!
The Mummy & Skeletons
Evoke a mummy scenario by wrapping your front door with white crepe paper or cheese cloth-type gauze, and adding a set of googly eyes to complete the look. It’s an inexpensive way to quickly and easily add some fun for trick or treaters. You could also do the same on a larger scale to a garage door. Traditional Halloween decor ideas include adding life-size skeletons as a good way to give a scare, but consider a display with tombstones with skeletal hands rising from the grave or a fabric-covered shape on a rope swing while using just a head, hands, and feet.
Decorating experts suggest using greenery as a way to put some life into an otherwise dark Halloween experience. You can use pieces of ivy or twisting vines to make focal points on a table or by draping them over the corner of a mirror. You can also go for fake versions from your local craft store or use whatever plants you’ve already got on hand. Leafless tree branches painted black and set among a collection of lanterns and pumpkins makes for an enchanted but still welcoming front door display. You can always add a cauldron of bats or an unkindness of ravens made of paper or foam for a more ominous effect.
Bloodshot Eye Balls
If you’ve got some beach balls laying around, you can turn them into bloodshot eyeballs by painting them white and then adding pupils and red lightning bolts to represent them being bloodshot. Display them on your lawn or ask a child to hold one for you while you’re getting their Halloween treats. You can make a string of illuminated bloodshot eyeballs by painting ping pong balls in the same way and covering a set of old Christmas lights.a
Unearthly Ghosts & Witches
Witches and ghosts are classic Halloween decor trends. Consider making some DIY apparitions for your front yard by shaping some chicken wire, and covering them with cheesecloth soaked in liquid fabric starch to give them more shape and hold. You can add some glow to your ghosts by placing a battery-operated light underneath and then make them even eerier by placing them in a circle, maybe even holding hands, around a RIP tombstone. Simple ghosts made of fabric and painted eyes can be hung from front yard trees, or you could elevate one of your glowing ghosts with garden stakes to give a floating appearance. While black witch hats conjure up magic, think about adding some upside-down witches’ legs into a garden display or planter by using simple garden stakes, a recycled pair of colorful socks, and shoes, a la the Wizard of Oz. Draping tattered and torn cheesecloth hung from a curtain rod at the top of your front door stairs makes for a frightening haunted house-style entrance to your home, especially if you add a cluster of arachnoids. Hang witch hats illuminated with battery-powered lights to add that special sorceress touch.
Creepy Crawlies
While the majority of homeowners want to keep creepy crawlies at bay, webs and spiders are huge Halloween decor trends you’ll either love or hate. It’s inexpensive and easy to get ready-to-spread webs and very realistic-looking spiders from your local dollar store. You can use them around doorways, including your children’s bedrooms, stair railings, lampshades, fireplace mantles, windows, and wreaths, or just about anywhere to invoke that creepy Halloween spirit including spiders on utensils and crawling out from underneath table settings. And don’t forget the bats! You can simply download a bat template online and then print them onto black card stock. Incorporate a purple sky and a glowing yellow moon in a window or onto a poster board, and you’ve captured the quintessential Halloween night. You could also do the same to create a collection of black cat silhouettes or ravens while adding small battery-powered lights to make their eyes glow.
What would Halloween be without traditional pumpkins? But then again, why go with the norm? Pumpkins can be of all sizes and colors ranging from natural orange to glitter and black versions. Whatever you can think of goes. Of course, you can stick with classic autumn colors, but metallic, shiny, and/or off-white pumpkins will attract more attention. And black pumpkins can also be easily turned into black cats by adding eyes, a nose, and pipe cleaners for whiskers.
Decorating your home is always a fun undertaking for your whole family to enjoy. You’ll have more time to enjoy time with your loved ones by using our free DomiDocs home management platform so you’ll be less stressed by being organized. We also offer HomeLock™, our 24/7/365 fraud protection and monitoring system designed to safeguard your home and your equity from illegal activities, as well as alerting you to unpaid bills, missed payments, and clerical errors at the county level. Be sure to sign up for HomeLock™ today!
For more information on decorating your home, read:
10 Inexpensive Kitchen Upgrades That’ll Increase Your Home’s Value
50+ Things That Make Your Home Outdated
Pros, Cons, & Costs of Specialty Ceilings in Your Home
Author – Connie Motz